Assalamu'aalakum warokhmatullahi wa barokatuh Selamat datang di Personal Blog OmAlie, semoga bermanfaat... # Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang dengan nama-Nya tidak ada sesuatu pun yang dapat membahayakan baik yang ada di bumi maupun di langit, Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar dan Yang Maha Mengetahui # Tidak ada ilah (yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar) kecuali Allah Yang Maha Esa, tidak ada sekutu bagi-Nya. Bagi-Nya segala kerajaan dan bagi-Nya segala pujian. Dialah Yang Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. Ya Allah, tidak ada yang dapat mencegah apa yang Engkau beri dan tidak ada yang dapat memberi apa yang Engkau cegah. Tidak berguna kekayaan dan kemulian tersebut bagi pemiliknya dari siksa-Mu # Semoga Allah segera mengangkat wabah ini dengan segera dan kita semua terselamatkan. Amien Ya Robbalalamin
Posted by : omalie Minggu, 12 September 2010

Fla. pastor says on NBC's TODAY show that his church will never carry out plan and NBC News

Pastor Terry Jones told NBC's TODAY show on Saturday that his church in Gainesville, Fla., would not burn Qurans in protest to the building of an Islamic center near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.
"We will definitely not burn the Quran, no," he said.
"Not today, not ever," he said when pressed about whether his planned demonstration might happen at a later date. He explained that it would not happen even if the Islamic center is built near ground zero.
Jones flew to New York to appear on NBC's TODAY show and told interviewer Carl Quintanilla that there was no meeting set up with New York Imam Faisal Rauf.
He said he hoped a meeting would take place, however.
"Even though we have not burned one Quran, we have gotten over 100 death threats," Jones said. "We feel that God is telling us to stop, and we also hope that ... maybe that will open up the door to maybe be able to talk to the imam."
Jones said that his church's goal was "to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical."
He told NBC that "we have definitely accomplished that mission."
A "Burn a Koran Day" banner outside his church has been taken down.
This is a breaking news story. Please check again for more updates.

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